Web surfing property shoppers prefer Spanish property

Diana Morales DM Properties
1 minutes to read

We thought it was interesting to comment on the article published on the 17th of December by the online International Herald Tribune about the interest of internet users in destination countries.  The article commented that, despite scandals and plummeting values, Spain continues to attract the most interest from overseas property shoppers, according to a new report modestly billed as the "biggest ever study into global demand for overseas property"… In essence, the study measured curiosity and Spain was clearly more interesting to Web surfers than any other destination, beating number two France by a more than two to one margin.

Judging by the amount of clients we have recently had coming in through the internet we can only agree with this statement. We have many clients, who are taking a real interest in the property market down in Marbella y la Costa del Sol. They are aware that the choice is now bigger when it comes to buying a property and therefore they are more likely to find exactly what they want. Properties in some areas are experiencing reductions in their prices and taking into account that investing in property has always proven to be effective in the long run, we are receiving many enquiries and calls from clients looking to take advantage of the fact that the property market in Marbella and the Costa del Sol is finally a buyer’s market again.

Diana Morales, 23 Dec 2008 - Intelligence

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